MSc Guidelines

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MSc Guidelines

Utolsó frissítés: 2022 január 26.

MSc in Horticulture
Structure of the training programme 

At the Faculty of Horticultural Science, the Master degree programme in horticulture comprises 120 credits, including compulsory and optional courses, practical training and specialization. Moreover, thesis work preparation as well as final exam with thesis defence are also essential prerequisites of the MSc degree certificate. We provide below a brief description on the structure of education, the requirements and the necessary procedures to the successful studies of our students.


During your studies in the MSc in horticulture programme, you will complete a wide range of compulsory and optional courses. Each semester, our students have to register to the courses available in the Neptun system, which is a basic source of any kind of information on tuition.

Four semesters of the MSc in Horticulture programme involves obligatory courses with lecture and practice (seminar) parts. The attendance on lectures is highly recommended, while on seminars or practices is compulsory.  In the course of seminars, teachers usually demonstrate the professional skills or show the practical aspects of the subjects in order to deepen the knowlegde of our students in the horticultural disciplines. In the case of some courses a study trip or an outdoor practical training might also be included in the teaching programme, where the attendance is usually compulsory. In general, the course leader provide information on the requirements to be fulfilled prior to the exams and criteria to aquire the term mark at the end of the semester. Please find the course requirements and criteria on the website of the department responsible for the course, and also in the Neptun, where those are uploaded to the courses together with the course schedule. In the case of any questions please contact the course instructor. If all the requirements are met by the students until the end of the semester, the course instructor give the term mark which is the prerequisite for registration to the exams.  Students have to pass the exams (written or oral) to obtain the course credits in a specified examination period.


At the beginning of your studies, you can choose from five specialization areas belonging to the MSc in Horticulture programme as follows:

Floriculture and dendrology
Medicinal plant production
Fruit growing
Vegetable growing

The application deadline for specialization is always due in the first semester. Please fill the Application form for specialization document in and submit it at the Department responsible for the chosen specialization. Based on your performance and interest, the host departments will announce you about the decision on acceptance. As each department is able to receive a limited number of students, it may happen that you are asked to find another specialization in a second turn. It is possible to collaborate with other Departments but you have to belong to one of the specialization listed above.

List of optional dissertation topics in 2020

In general, a specialization consist of three compulsory courses of 5 credits (Thesis preparation I, II and III) and one of 10 credits (Thesis preparation IV.) are to be fulfilled during the 4 semesters. You have to choose a thesis topic and conduct a research work with the help of your supervisor, getting familiar with professional skills and special research technics, either.


A practical training of four weeks is also a compulsory element of the master degree programme. Your supervisor or host Department is responsible for the coordination of internship which can be executed in Hungary or abroad. Alternatively, we may also offer the Research Station of the Faculty (Budapest-Soroksár) as an internship site. Application form for internship is available on our website. At the end of your internship a Practical training certificate has to be completed (filled, signed and stamped) by the host company and a final report on the internship has to be prepared and submitted by the student (in free form, in a maximum of 5 pages).


The thesis represents that the student attained all the necessary knowledge and skills of the profession included in the programme and specialization. In master degree level, thesis in general covers experiments or hypothetical situations in which a student researches certain elements of his or her field. The completion and defence of master thesis mean the final steps forward the master degree. There is a Guideline for thesis preparation where you can find all the necessary information concerning formal and comprehensive aspects.

Final exam, defence of the thesis

Once you have completed all the necessary coursework and finished the internship you will be requested to meet with a committee to pass the final exam and defend your thesis work in two separate occasions. The exact dates will be announced by the Dean’s office and by the host department. Students have to register for the final exam until the given deadline every year.

Final exam

Two questions from the a known list will be drawn by each student, where one belongs to the compulsory subject and the other to the specialization. The actual list of Final exam topics is available at the website and can be asked from the specialization coordinator, too.  After some time for preparation, candidates should give a 5-10 minutes presentation on both themes. After that, the Final Examination Committee will ask further questions related to the topics.

Defending the thesis work

Once students submit their theses to the Registrar’s Office, they will be assigned to a date to defend their work. The thesis will be evaluated by two reviewer in advance. During a defence, a student have to delivers a presentation about her/his thesis work in a maximum of 10 minutes and will be asked by the members of the thesis committee. Questions are given previously also by the reviewers. The usual requirement is that students should think critically and prove that they are  “masters” in their work.